The farm at Three Ravens Ranch specializes in producing native seeds and seedlings for wildland rehabilitation and native habitat restoration.
Growing at Three Ravens Ranch approaches native habitat objectives by addressing the continuum on a local landscape scale. We view each step in the process; collecting, propagating and restoration, in the context of the complete circle of development.
Along with small-scale seed production from our established native species stands and contract growing on our farm field, we provide propagation consultation services from seed collection to out-planting.
Using best practices for field propagation we coordinate soil texture and drainage at wildland collecting sites with farm field conditions.
What We Do
Understanding restrictions and challenges to outplanting on a rangeland site, such as competition from non-native species or limitations created by soil moisture conditions, helps us adopt appropriate technologies to enhance restoration success. x
Field Propagation
Although we grow a variety of grasses, forbs and shrubs native to the high desert of the North Great Basin, we specialize in grass, forb and shrub species that are particularly necessary for native habitat restoration of silt-clay alkaline and sodic soils in the northern basin and range landscape.
Plant Species
Each of the stands established on our farm is appropriate for a unique indigenous soil found in the Northern Great Basin. From basin wildrye, which is appropriate for dense clayey soil, through the needlegrasses, which thrive in well-drained sandy soil, all of the species we grow support healthy plant communities and unique native habitats.
Our History
We began our first farm project at Three Ravens Ranch in 2005. As our knowledge and training increased, we became actively involved in natural resource conservation research and implementation. In 2010, we were selected to propagate wildland-collected seeds for a BLM Cooperative Agreement designated “Surprise Native Plants”. Since then we have provided greenhouse, nursery and field propagation services for additional non-profit and governmental wildland restoration projects.
Propagation and Consulting
Our propagation services include researching potential wildland seed collection sites and site-specific seed collection protocols, developing successful seed germination techniques and field establishment for seed production. Along with our propagation services, we apply our knowledge to help other property owners like ourselves establish the correct balance of native plant species for wildlife habitat and pasture management on their own rural properties. X
Plants and Seeds